[GIS] Raster and vector layer in the same CRS don’t match

coordinate systemqgisrastervectorwgs84

While adding multiple raster and vector layers (and setting them all in CRS WGS84) in QGIS 2.2, they don't seem to overlap. Interestingly enough, only raster files overlap between each other, the same for vector layers. My 'on the fly' projection is included.

As a "hint", raster layers coordinates are 6 or 7 digit numbers, while it's 2-digit numbers for vector layers (area in central Italy). Also to mention is that I'm completely new to GIS so every answer is good enough. Thanks

Best Answer

How did you do the setting them all in CRS WGS84? Using Set CRS for Layerhas definitely corrupted your data. This changes the CRS, but does not reproject the coordinates to the new CRS.

So delete those layers with 6digit coordinates, and add them again. Usually the CRS information is stored in the file, and should not be altered. As mkennedy noted, they can be in UTM 32N, based on WGS84, ED50 or ETRS89. On-the-fly-reprojection will make them fit to your lat/lon vector data.

If you intend to do any calculation or clipping on both data, you can Save As...the raster files to a different name and CRS. But NEVER use Set CRS for Layerfor that.

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