[GIS] Raspbian QGIS 3.x Install

debianlinuxqgisraspberry pi

I'm trying to install QGIS 3.x on Raspbian Stretch with Desktop – I successfully installed QGIS 2.x using the QGIS sources as described in their install instructions.

I found this build-from-source guide using this forum post, but my linux-fu is weak. I'm wondering if anyone has found a simpler way of getting a standard QGIS 3.x desktop install on Raspbian Stretch?

I'm particularly confused by the 'build Debian package' option when building from source – what previous sections do I skip (if any)?

Best Answer

Alternative to building from source.

Issue: with the QGIS install instructions (assuming I followed them correctly) - it was unable to find the python3-qgis package.

Solution: basically use a different mirror than what the install recommends.

Starting from a fresh Raspbian Stretch with Desktop install.

Run: sudo apt-get update

Run: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

  • Uncomment the deb-src line (not sure this matters).

  • Add the following line: "deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian sid main" (alternative mirrors can be found here).

Run: sudo apt-get update

Run: sudo apt-get install qgis python3-qgis qgis-plugin-grass

  • This will install ~300 packages, and can take a while (~4min to download for me). After the download there is a changelog/notice that must be read (keep pressing return then q). Soon after starting the download there is a prompt...once you're past that you should be safe to step away while it installs.

Once done you can launch QGIS (3.4 Madeira LTR as of this writing) by simply typing qgis from the terminal.