[GIS] Radar data – animated gif in GeoServer


I have 7 animated gifs (5 animations in each gif) with bounding coordinates of real time radar data. The number of these will grow significantly over the next year or so.

We are currently serving each gif as a separate raster layer using OpenLayers but this is causing problems on slower connections as OpenLayers appears to load the gifs even if not being displayed in the viewport.

I would like to be able to combine and serve all the animations via GeoServer as one layer, probably animated using the GeoServer Animation feature.

This is totally rocket science to me so I am reaching out for suggestions from more experienced users.

I guess we have to break the gifs apart for each animation, combine them into one raster for each time slice (they are all synced), load each georeferenced raster into PostgreSQL then use GeoServer's animation feature to display the layer.

Am open to any and all suggestions.

Best Answer

Sort of. Break the gifs into one tiff for each step of the animation (eventually internally compressed), bake the time of the frame into the name, and then build a mosaic with time dimension enabled (http://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/tutorials/imagemosaic_timeseries/imagemosaic_timeseries.html)