[GIS] R plot raster: changing breaks also changes colour scale


I am trying to change the breaks of a raster in R that is show with a continuous scale. However, changing just the breaks also changes the colour scale. I am not sure how I can fix this?

r <- raster(xmn=1, xmx=5, ymn=1, ymx=5, nrows=5, ncols=5)
r[] <- 1:length(r)

Normal plot:


enter image description here

Now just change the breaks, say to 21 instead of 20:

plot(r, breaks=c(0, 5, 10, 15, 21, 25))

enter image description here

Changing breaks also changed the colour!? Why? My guess is that now plot.raster() uses the 5 (or 25?) first colour of the colour ramp, which are all pretty much the same? The issues seems that it handles this now as a categorical colour palette? Indeed, giving a custom ramp equally spaced with 25 colours, it seems it only uses the first 6?

cols <- rev(terrain.colors(255))
plot(r, breaks=c(0, 5, 10, 15, 21, 25), 

cols <- rev(terrain.colors(255))

Best Answer

The rasterVis package (https://oscarperpinan.github.io/rastervis/) is the most effective and easiest way to plot raster data in R

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