[GIS] QGIS Web Client in Windows does not load map


I have installed QGIS (1.8 Lisboa) desktop and server on a Windows XP machine. I am now trying to configure the QGIS Webclient. I downloaded the zip file from GitHUb, and made the changes to the templates, etc. When I open the qgiswebclient.html page the map does not load. The toolbars and other parts of the GUI are all there.

From OSgeo4w Shell I checked my mapserver is running: Mapserver v5.6.6

I copied the qgis-web-client folder into the osgeo4w\Apache\htdocs folder.

Does anyone know which parameters I should check?

Best Answer

QGIS web client has nothing to do with Mapserver. It is a frontend for QGIS SERVER, so you need to install it with the osgeo4w installer.

The QGIS web client is not made to work on Windows server, so AFAIK there isn't a straightforward procedure to make it work. Anyway I found a way, but it isn't pretty:

  • install QGIS Server and edit https_qgis.conf as described in the wiki.

    QGIS server is then accessible trough


  • edit httpd.conf and change

    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:\OSGeo4W/bin/"


    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:\OSGeo4W/apps/qgis/bin/"

  • removed the ".exe" extension from "qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe" inside "C:\OSGeo4W/apps/qgis/bin/"

    At this point restart Apache and the server should work with this URL


    if yes, you are good to go.

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