[GIS] QGIS to ArcMap file delivery via geopackage

arcmapfile formatsgeopackageqgis

When I'm saving a new layer made in QGIS (v 3.14), it gives me only an option of saving it as .gpkg file. I sent these to a person using ArcMap for further work and he's insisting that I send him all (.shp, .dbf, .shx, .prj, .sbn, .sbx). I have used ArcMap before, but within last year I have access only to QGIS.

Is it possible that ArcMap cannot open .gpkg file or there is something else that is the problem?

Best Answer

ArcMap should be able to open a GPKG, but you may need to follow these steps (I don't believe you can drag and drop)

Alternatively, you can export to ESRI SHP direct from QGIS, although bear in mind this has limitations on field name length (processing tools default to GPKG, but right click on a layer -> Export -> Save As/Save Features As and you should have many more formats)