[GIS] QGIS stalls on startup


Recently QGIS (currently using 3.10 A Coruna) hangs/stalls on startup. When I start the program, the splash screen appears and it runs through all the preliminary installation processes (JavaScript, plugins, etc.), then just hangs and doesn't actually open the QGIS program. The splash screen says "QGIS Ready!", but then, the program doesn't open.

The only way I have managed to solve this is to uninstall the program, reboot, reinstall, and then start the program. It starts correctly the next time, but then when I close it and shut down the computer, the next time I boot the computer and start QGIS, it just hangs like this.

I hate having to reinstall QGIS all the time.

Any suggestions about how to correct this problem without having to reinstall?

Screencap of stalled QGIS

Best Answer

There is parameter named hiddenPaths in QGIS config file which usually located in C:\Users\*UserName*\AppData\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles\default\QGIS\QGIS3.ini for Windows users. It can be used to hide network drives and printers from QGIS browser without having to disable this devices. Changing of this parameter solved my problem identical to yours problem described in this topic.



hiddenPaths=Q:/, S:/, T:/, U:/, V:/