[GIS] QGIS select feature, “add to current selection” feature


I am trying to perform a feature selection on qgis similar to "add to current selection" interactive selection method in Arcgis Desktop, is that possible?

An example: I perform a spatial query and select a set of features, afterwards I need to manually add a couple of features to this set, if I use the feature selection button I lose my first selection, and start a new one.

Any way of adding features to a selection? Many thanks everyone in advance,

Best Answer

You can do it in several different ways. Assuming you already have a selection, you can add new feature to your selection by:

  • Select them interactivelly with any of the selections tool(Rectangle, Polygon, freehand), pressing "Ctrl" or "cmd" (Like jake already said). Take notice that if you select a already selected feature, it will be unselected;

enter image description here

  • If you wish to add features by a new spatial query, in the spatial query plugin you can use "add to current selection" in the "And use result to" option;

enter image description here

  • You can also use the "Select Feature by using an Expression" tool, create a desired expression and use the "add to selection" option;

enter image description here

Note 1: In all methods, the active layer must be the one you need to add or remove features from selection;

Note 2: You can use the same methods to remove a few features from the current selection.

Hope it helps!