QGIS Print Composer – How to Adjust Transparency in Legend Symbols


Is there a way to make the legend in the QGIS (v2.0.1) print composer reflect the same degree of transparency as set in the Style box in the main window? The legend symbol colours are shown with no transparency but these look very different to the transparent colours on the map…

Doing a search of this question on a different website I found the following answer:
"There are two transparency sliders in the style dialog. Altering the big
one at the top doesn't affect the transparency of the legend symbol or
the style preview in the dialog, but the small transparency slider below
the size unit selector does."

However, I only see one transparency slider in the style dialog. Or am I looking in the wrong place? Any ideas?


Best Answer

Layer Transparency versus Symbol TransparencyYou can set transprency at two levels, the "Layer Transparency" and/or the "Symbol Layers".

Selecting Style in the Layer Properties you should see Layer Transparency under the Style heading on the right. This affects the layer but does not affect the symbol in the legend. (Long transparency slider and box)

Selecting Style and going to the Symbol Fill properties you should have access to another level of transparency. This will affect layer fill transparency for the selected symbol and will show up in the legend. (Transparency Slider only, assuing Single Symbol mode)

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