[GIS] QGIS plugin that adds a point along a line at a specified distance


I'd like to have a polyline layer that has distance from the line origin inserted as marker points along the lines. The distances are stored in the attribute table as a field. The lines have directions.

Is there a plugin that can read the distances from the field, and create points along the lines for each record?

The context is a roads layer that will have maintenance distance markers from certain intersections. There are thousands of records and the road shapes are complex, not straight, so an automated process would be ideal.

Best Answer

As Nelson Silva suggested I also use the LRS plugin. Additionally I use the "Locate points along lines" plugin to quickly create polyline end lengths used for LRS calibration process. enter image description here Once the LRS Calibration process is complete select LRS Events tab to load your attribute table with measured centerline distance to features. This example creates location points of roadway culvert crossings. enter image description here

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