[GIS] QGIS or Postgis – How to split polylines with a point layer


In QGIS, I would like to split the polylines in a layer loaded in the workspace with the points in another loaded layer. If a point intersects a polyline, this polyline should be transformed into two polylines…

I've read that this could be done with grass but i have no idea how to do it with layers (SHP)loaded in the QGIS workspace.

Best Answer

You can see solutions using GRASS here

There's also another option with Spatialite. The newest version 4.0 has a function LinesCutAtNodes() which does what you want. You feed it a linestring geometry and a point geometry, and it returns a linestring split wherever a point exactly intersect a vertex on the line. The points have to intersect vertices on the line, so you should do snap() first to get the points to exactly intersect the line vertices.

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