[GIS] QGIS Methods for Batch/multiple shortest path calculations

batchqgisqgis-modelershortest path

Is there an established method for running multiple shortest path analysis based on multiple start and end points?

I have a model outputting coordinate data and a road network with varying road types. I need to be able to run multiple shortest path calcs and have those routes plotted.

I am fairly new to qgis and python.

Best Answer

You may try to use GDAL GNM functionality (see. http://gdal.org/gnm_tut.html and http://gdal.org/gnm_arch.html).

But you need GDAL build with GNM support (by now it disabled by default). You can grab GDAL with GNM here: http://nextgis.com/borsch/

If you prefer GUI utility, there is a plugin for QGIS - QNetwork (https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qnetwork/) which utilize GDAL GNM. But there are some limits in plugin now (you need at least to layers - lines connected points). Also you need QGIS build with GDAL GNM - get it here: http://nextgis.com/nextgis-qgis/

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