[GIS] QGIS: how to set transparency for OSM tiles layer


I'm using QGIS 2.8.3-Wien in an Ubuntu14. My problem is the following:

I'm using the OpenStreetMap tiles to draw maps of some specific regions. The problem is that, for some urban/rural regions, these tiles offer very little information at non-urban regions.

By using the OCM Landscape layer, I can get more landscape information for rural areas, although the infos for urban areas is poorer.

Finally, I though I could merge both layers by setting some level of transparency on it.

However, QGIS does not offer a properties dialog for this kind of layer.

Is there any way of setting transparency for a tiles layer?

Best Answer

QGIS does not support Openstreetmap tiles natively. I assume you are using the openlayers plugin. That does not allow for transparency.

Alternatively, you can use the TileLayer plugin with the ability to set the transparency:

enter image description here

The tab delimited lines for a text file with .tsv extension are:

 Openstreetmap  OSM http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png 1   0   19  -180    -85.0   180.0   85.0

 OpenCyclemap   OCM http://a.tile.thunderforest.com/cycle/{z}/{x}/{y}.png   1   0   19  -180    -85.0   180.0   85.0

You can set the transparency in the Properties box:

enter image description here

Additionally, the new QuickMapServices plugin offers the same choice, without the need to edit a text file.

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