QGIS Coordinate System – Display Does Not Reflect Projection

coordinate systemqgis

I have slight experience with ArcGIS, but am new to QGIS.

I'm trying to set the projection of my map, and I understand that this is done by altering the CRS (coordinate reference system) of each layer and/or the entire project.

When I right click a layer and select "Change Layer CRS", however, the visual representation of the map (the distortion) does not reflect the selected projection. My world map looks like it has a Robinson (or similar) projection, even if I select a Mercator CRS. The EPSG code in the lower right corner changes, as do the coordinates.

Example image - Mercator CRS

Setting the project CRS to the same projection does not help, nor does enabling on-the-fly projection.

My goal is to export the map to SVG, so the visual distortions are important.

Am I doing something wrong?

Best Answer

Please do not change the CRS of the layers. This will make your data unusable.

Instead enable On-the-fly-projection, and change the project CRS to your needs.

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