[GIS] QGIS Difference not working


I'm trying to simply get the Difference between two sets of lines, but the algorithm returns a copy of either one, depending of the combination of INPUT/DIFFERENCE layer I try. Never the difference.

Both of my shapefiles are in the same projection, and have been cleaned (v.clean).

I tried to dissolve them, but no luck.

Any ideas?

(Using QGIS 2.18.1 over Win7)

Here is a picture of the situation. I have 2 sets of roads (red and green). The green network overlaps everything from the red one, but has some other roads in it. I'm trying to get a shape of these extra segments (hence, the Difference). But the result gives me either an exact copy of the red or green network.
enter image description here

Best Answer

You could try the Spatial Query plugin to do a select by overlap.

Select the green streets that overlap the red, then switch and save the selected features.

This assumes that the non-overlapping segments are unique features and not extensions of the overlapped features.

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