[GIS] QGIS DB Manager Import layer/file Oracle not working – Error 8 Loading of the layer failed


QGIS 2.12.0 – DB Manager 0.1.20 – Windows 7 – Oracle 11g

Import vector layer

Shapefile as well as a layer (vector) and with every possible combinations of settings, the results are the same. It also happens with a previously exported table (as shp) from same db/schema:

Error 8
Loading of the layer "myschema"."mytable" failed

An inspection of the "loaded" table indicates that only the 'geom' column was created (no other columns where created), it is however of UNKNOWN geometry type and the table is empty.

user_sdo_geom_metadata record was created correctly.

All other operations within DB Manager on existing tables work correctly.

Is there perhaps another way of loading existing vector layers onto Oracle (pyQGIS?)?

Best Answer

This issue has been reported 2 years ago, thug life oracle .. https://issues.qgis.org/issues/14026

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