[GIS] QGIS – Create equal length polygon along polyline


How can I create a series of polygons along a line? I need to assess the density of a number of targets along a line within a corridor.

enter image description here

I have tried the following:

  1. creating a buffer,
  2. using the plugin station lines to create perpendicular lines,
  3. Using the Digitizing Tools Plugin to split the buffer with the
    station lines

This only splits the polygon one line at a time, the lines is 20+km long and I would like 25m sections making manual repetitions impractical.The line also has complex curves.

Is there a way to create such a grid?

Best Answer

I realised that I was looking at the problem the wrong way round. Rather than create polygons along a line to be able to used the points in polygon methods, I realised that I was looking for a Linear Reference solution and therefore the LRS Plugin would produce the information I required.

Thanks for helping anyway.

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