[GIS] QGIS: Connect to a REST service


I want to connect to this REST Service, from QGIS Essen, using its URI:


Any tips please?

I tried adding it as a Vector layer, protocal GeoJSON. I also tried the OGR method, constructed as follows; ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON NSW_Property_20160314.json "maps.six.nsw.gov.au/arcgis/rest/services/public/NSW_Property/…*&f=json" OGRGeoJSON

Best Answer

If you read This you will see that it is not possible to import ArcGIS Server REST as vector layers.

My advice would be to use the WMS that is available (see below). Also if you select the image type as PNG then you will just get the boundaries of the polygons and the rest will be transparent.
