[GIS] QGIS calculate distance of point along a line


I have a polyline (movement path) and points recorded along the line. I would like to calculate for each point the distance along the line in Quantum GIS. I hope for a result which will add a new column to the point attribute table indicating the distance along which it is on the line. I'd appreciate any thoughts.


Best Answer

If you'd like to go with the GRASS plugin, there's a module v.distance that does just that. First you'll bring the polyline and point layers into GRASS using the v.in.ogr module in the GRASS Toolbox. Then locate the v.distance module. The From and To vectors are obviously the points and line. Then select "Distance to nearest point ... along linear feature". You'll also need an attribute column name to accept the distance values (Use v.db.addcol to add that attrib if you don't already have). That should do it.