[GIS] QGIS 3 Shortest Path: batch processing

qgisshortest path

I have some commuting data showing people who cycle to work. The data has residence, workplace and unique ID numbers for each commuter. I have georeferenced the home and work locations so I have two point shapefiles, work and home. I also have a shapefile of the road and cycle route network.

I have done some experimenting and the shortest path algorithm in QGIS 3 allows shortest route analysis of shapefile to point OR point to shapefile (which is super), but I need to calculate a route for EVERY commuter. Is there a way to automate this using the ID number as the base?

From looking into this online it seems that this may be possible using PGRouting in PostGIS, but it would be nice to find a solution avoiding PostGIS because my colleagues do not have access to this.

This stackexchange question alludes to a similar problem, but, again, this user is only using one point. I have not found a stackexchange thread which answers this problem.
QGIS 3 – Shortest path layer to layer, not point!

Best Answer

You could use "OSM-Tools" to do this task.

There is currently a workaround to start routing, you have to select your features first and then start. Further information are available here.

This Plugin is available from the Plugin-Repository and after you ordered a key you can start routing.

enter image description here

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