[GIS] QGIS 3 on Mac OS – Where is the configuration directory


I've got a fresh clean install of QGIS 3 running on Mac OS and I can't find where the plugin directory should be.

I don't have a directory at ~/.qgis3.

I've search my drive with locate qgis and locate plugins | grep qgis and can't see it anywhere.

I actually have two QGIS 3 installs, one using Homebrew and the other using Kyngchaos, and when I start either, they list the same installed plugins, so there must be a directory somewhere!

So, where is the QGIS 3 config directory on Mac OS hiding?

Edit: Nyall helped me find it! It's at ~/Library/Application\ Support/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/ (the default component is a named profile, which is a new feature).

Best Answer

From the Settings Menu, User Profiles, select "Open active profile folder". You'll be taken straight there.

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