QGIS 3.10 – How to Export Layer Group into GIS Formats (KML, SHP, etc.)?


I would like to export the layer group created in QGIS into the GIS file extensions as: .kml, .shp, etc.

So far, the "Export" option available for this layer group gives a chance to export as a "Layer Definition File" in .qlr extension only.

enter image description here

I would like to have more options for saving this groupped layer.

Best Answer

A "layer group" is not a single layer. It's multiple separate layers. They are grouped together in the Layer panel for your convenience. But you can't export a Layer Group as a single layer.

You can combine any layers that are the same type of vector data (eg, all polygons) using the tool, Merge Vector Layers. The line layer cannot be combined into a single shapefile with the polygon layers. That's a limitation of the shapefile format.

The KML format supports multiple data types, however I don't think QGIS can create a KML file with different data types. To combine the three layers into a KML file, you will probably have to use different software (such as Google Earth).

Database-type formats can combine multiple separate layers in a single file. This includes formats such as Geopackage and Spatialite.

  • To combine the layers in a Geopackage file, use the tool Package Layers.
  • To combine them into any other database format, export one of the layers in that format. Select the other two layers, then drag and drop them into that database.
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