QGIS 3.10 – Solution for Missing Random Points Inside Polygon (Variable) Tool


Using the current long term release version of QGIS (v3.10), I see the 'Random Points Inside Polygons (variable)' tool is changed. It used to look like this.

The key field here is the 'number field'. Which allows you to select a column in the attribute table of that layer in order to generate a corresponding number of points based on the values of that field.

enter image description here

Now the tool is replaced by simply 'Random Points inside polygons' which looks like this:

enter image description here

The 'Number field' input box is missing. What happened? Has the old tool been renamed?

Best Answer

Just hit the rectangle with the two triangles attached to it to the right of the point count or density field. This allows you to choose data defined override - e.g. by choosing a column which holds valid values.

So no, there hasn't be any renaming, the GUI simply has been made more sleek.

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