QGIS – How to Solve Installation Problem of QGIS 2.16 Under Windows 10

osgeo4wpythonqgiswindows 10

I installed twice Qgis 2.16 using OSGeo 4w install. First I uninstalled all the previuos version and installed 2.16. Everything worked fine but when I open Qgis I have a warning message:

Couldn't load QGIS utils.
Python support will be disabled.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "C:/OSGEO4~1/apps/qgis/./python\qgis\utils.py", line 20, in 
    from future import standard_library
ImportError: No module named future

Python version:
2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:44:16) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]

QGIS version:
2.16.0-Nødebo 'Nødebo', d0b3e39

Python path:
['C:/OSGEO4~1/apps/qgis/./python', u'C:/Users/Gerardo/.qgis2/python', u'C:/Users/Gerardo/.qgis2/python/plugins', 'C:/OSGEO4~1/apps/qgis/./python/plugins', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\bin\\python27.zip', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\DLLs', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\plat-win', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\bin', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\PIL', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\jinja2-2.7.2-py2.7.egg', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\markupsafe-0.23-py2.7-win-amd64.egg', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\pytz-2012j-py2.7.egg', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\win32', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\win32\\lib', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\Pythonwin', 'C:\\OSGEO4~1\\apps\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\wx-2.8-msw-unicode']

I uninstalled and installed again but I get the same error. Qgis starts but I have nothing python related as expected. I know about this

Couldn't load QGIS utils; Python support disabled; No module named future

and also this


The problem is the same even though the last link states the issue is closed.

Any ideas on how to solve the problem? some solutions on the first link do not apply to a win system

Best Answer

I can not reproduce your error, maybe the installer has been fixed by now.

Similar to the linked question, which deals with Linux installations, you can run the OSGeo4W installer again, and choose Advanced installation to re-install the python-future package.

This might not help with the standalone installer, but copying missing folders from OSGEO4W to standalone should work.


The standalone installer from today has the needed future folder too, so you can copy that to the OSGeo4W64 folder as well.

The bug already has a ticket and has been fixed: https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/514

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