[GIS] QGIS 2.10.1 Copy and Paste Problem – Attributes not showing


I have two shp layers with different numbers of fields and slightly different attributes of those field, like the column name or field length.
I arranged them so they are in the same order and now want to copy points from the Layer Georef_FO to the Layer Georef_FO_2.
Screenshot attached.

I put both layers in edit mode while in the attribute table window and then just copied all records from Georef_FO and pasted them into Georef_FO_2.
I get all the points on the map but no information in the Name Field, just NULL Values.
(the "Name" colums is right now the only column in Georef_FO containing any information and I want this to be copied into the layer "Georef_FO_2".

Restarting QGIS doesn´t make the values appear in Georef_FO_2. There are still only NULL Values.

I couldnt find out how to change field length of a field in an existing layer, so if that may be helpful please explain how to do that.

enter image description here

Best Answer

In order to copy/paste attributes, the field names must match so that QGIS knows where to correctly copy the attributes to. From the Processing Toolbox (using Processing plugin version 2.10.2), there is a tool called "Refactor fields".

This allows you to change the field structure of your shapefile such as name, length etc:

Refactor fields

So if you want the name attributes to be copied successfully, make sure both shapefiles have a common field name.

Hope this helps!

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