[GIS] QGIS 1.8 not loading after install


I have just installed QGIS 1.8 on Windows 7. Once the install completed and I tried to open QGIS (via the desktop icon) nothing happened. I had this issue when installing QGIS 1.7. I was able to get 1.7 to open by using the qgis.bat file, but it is not in the the bin folder in the QGIS 1.8 version. I began to have this issue after installing OpenGeoSuite 4W. I thought I uninstalled everything I needed. I am worried I may need to re-install Windows. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do to get QGIS 1.8 to load and open.


Best Answer

I have the same problem and started a thread a month or so ago a month. The suggested answers did not work. There is a problem with the QGIS 1.8 installer for Windows 7.0 that is not being addressed. I wiped the slate clean and installed 1.8, and nothing worked. I then reinstalled 1.7 and it works perfectly. I just did a download and install, and it does not work. But 1.7 does work. It is not my job to debug the 1.8 installer. Accept that there is a problem and fix it!

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