[GIS] Python Script to Create Table Using Data Driven Pages


I am trying to convert some python script to display a table (based on a dbf) of features located within a specific data driven page. So far, I have the script successfully able to refresh the map to the specific table, but it does not update the table.

I have it set-up as three text boxes that should be updated with three specific fields when the user runs the script from ArcToolbox.

Any suggestions on why my table is not updating?

import arcpy, sys, os

#Reference current MXD
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("current")

#Get input parameter
Name = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

#Reference  data frames
mapatlasDF = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Layers")[0]
locatorDF = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Locator Map")[0]

#Reference appropriate layers
atlasLyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "PinalCreekMapAtlas_HalfMile", mapatlasDF)[0]
locatorLyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "Locator Map", locatorDF)[0]
atlasoutlineLyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "Map Atlas Outline", locatorDF)[0]

#Reference layout elements by calling ListLayoutElements 
for elm in arcpy.mapping.ListLayoutElements(mxd):
  if elm.name =="Table1Column1": tab1Col1Txt = elm
  if elm.name =="Table1Column2": tab1Col2Txt = elm
  if elm.name =="Table1Column3": tab1Col3Txt = elm

#Reference the Data Driven Page object
ddp = mxd.dataDrivenPages

#Set the current page to be the one selected in the script tool

pageID = mxd.dataDrivenPages.getPageIDFromName(str(Name))
mxd.dataDrivenPages.currentPageID = pageID

#Set the appropriate definition queries
atlasLyr.definitionQuery = "Name = '" + Name +  "'"
locatorLyr.definitionQuery = "Name = '" + Name +  "'"
atlasoutlineLyr.definitionQuery = "Name <> '" + Name +  "'"

#Update Sheet Index data frame
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(locatorLyr, "NEW_SELECTION", "\"Name\" = '" + Name + "'")

#Reference Affected Parcels table and select appropriate records
parcelTable = arcpy.mapping.ListTableViews(mxd, "AffectedParcels")[0]

#Build query and create search cursor to loop through rows
parcelFieldValue = "Page " + Name
queryExp = "\"MapPage\" = '" + parcelFieldValue + "'"  #e.g., "MapPage" = 'Page 01'
parcelRows = arcpy.SearchCursor(parcelTable.dataSource, queryExp)

#Clear all table text values
tab1Col1Txt.text = " "; tab1Col2Txt.text = " "; tab1Col3Txt.text = " "

#iteate through each row, update appropiate text
count = 0
for row in parcelRows:
  if count < 30: #Table1 - static position
    tab1Col1Txt.text = tab1Col1Txt.text + row.getValue("OwnerName") +"\n"
    tab1Col2Txt.text = tab1Col2Txt.text + row.getValue("APN") + "\n"
    tab1Col3Txt.text = tab1Col3Txt.text + row.getValue("LengthTrail") + "\n"
  if count ==30:  
    arcpy.AddMessage("Table Overflow") #The code could be reworked to show the last 90 records
  count = count + 1

arcpy.AddMessage("PROCESS COMPLETED")

Best Answer

Perhaps these examples could help:

DDP with Dynamic Tables And Graphs 10.1_v1

This sample demonstrates how the arcpy.mapping API is used to extend the capabilities of Data Driven Pages (DDP) to produce a map series truly dynamic tables and graphs

arcpy.mapping Map Book with Dynamic Graphic Tables

This project incorporates Data Driven Pages and arcpy.mapping to build a map series that includes dynamic graphic tables.

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