QGIS – Putting Scale Bar Labels below Scale Bar in QGIS

print-composerqgisscalescale bar

I added two scale elements to my map composition. For layout harmonisation, I want the ticks and the label text below the scale bar.

Standard is this:
This is what I get.

What I want is this (manually changed in the image):
enter image description here

Is there an option in QGIS for this?

Best Answer

I don't think there's an option yet which allows you to put the units below the scalebar. An alternative could be to:

  1. Modify your current scalebar and set its Font colour to match the background colour:

    Item Properties > Fonts and colours > Font colour
  2. Copy your scalebar and paste it directly below your original scalebar. Then set its Font colour to black and its Line colour to transparent:

    Item Properties > Fonts and colours > Font colour
                                        > Line colour
  3. You can then select your scalebars and group them, allowing you to move them easily as if they were one:


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