[GIS] Publishing Geoprocessing Service with ArcGIS Server


I'm modeling this ESRI tutorial for creating geoprocessing service with ArcGIS Server and I'm getting this error when trying to publish the service:

Service was published but cannot be started due to: Server object
instance creation failed on all SOC machines. Server Object instance
creation failed on machine MyServer. Cannot load tool: BufferAndClip:
Geoprocessing service initialization failed.

I'm using ArcGIS Desktop 10 against ArcGIS Server 9.3. My mxd that has the model in it has been saved out as version 9.3. Also my geodatabase is a 9.3 version. The model works fine within the mxd. The mxd and geodatabases and lyr files are located all in the same folder on the server (e.g. \\MyServer\ArcGIS Resources\Test\Test.mxd).

I have published map services before to this server with no issues, why I'm I getting this error?

Best Answer

Server object instance creation failed on all SOC machines is triggered when the SOC account does not have access to the resources that your trying to publish.

Try right clicking ArcCatalog and running it as the SOC account. Can you browse to \MyServer\ArcGIS Resources\Test\ and able to see the MXD, layers and toolbox?

Everything used in the model needs to be accessible to the SOC.

See preparing resources for publishing for more details on how to setup the relevant permissions.