Google Earth Engine – Property with Null-Value Disappearing When Creating Feature-Collection


When I create a feature with a property that has a null-value, that property disappears when adding the feature to a feature-collection. Why does this happen and how to prevent this?

An example (

var dict1 = ee.Dictionary({'prop1': null, 'prop2': 400})


var ft1 = ee.Feature(null, dict1)


var ftc1 = ee.FeatureCollection(ft1)


"dict1" has two items, one of the values is "null". Creating a feature with this dictionary gives a feature "ft1", that has two properties. When adding "ft1" to a feature-collection, the property that has a null-value disappears from the feature.

Best Answer

I got an answer by Noel Gorelick in the GEE Developers Group:

There's no difference to the system between a property with a null value and not having the property at all. In fact, the method for removing properties from a feature is to set them to null. If you want to have a property with some NODATA value, use something other than null.

  • So, why it happens: it's the method to remove properties from a feature.

  • How to prevent it: Set the null-value to some other value.

An example on how to do that:

var dict1 = ee.Dictionary({'prop1': null, 'prop2': 400});


// Set null values to -9999, works without explicitly specifying the property names.
var set_ndv = function(key, val){
  return ee.List([val, -9999]).reduce(ee.Reducer.firstNonNull());

var dict2 =;


// Set null values to -9999, need to specify property names.
// var dict2 = dict1.combine(ee.Dictionary({'prop1': -9999, 'prop2': -9999}), false)
// print(dict2)

var ft1 = ee.Feature(null, dict2);


var ftc1 = ee.FeatureCollection(ft1);


This question is also related to this one: Creating a time-series from an image-collection in GEE including null-values in case all pixels are masked

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