[GIS] Projections for a region spanning multiple UTM zones

coordinate systemutm

I have a problem which is sort of similar to the one here:

Dealing with data that spreads across UTM Zones?

Essentially I am looking for a projection for this region:


The projection should have as little distortion as possible so I can use geospatial data structures. I tried using UTM, but the rectangle spreads across the zones 32,V and 33,V. Could you recommend some other projection? More generally, do you know how to get a good projection for an arbitrary bounding rectangle?

Is there a projection which is already implemented in jscience or a similar library?

Best Answer

If you're looking for an established projection and you don't mind accuracy to around 2 meters, I would go with EPSG::3006

This assumes your data is in the SWEREF99 datum, but the difference between that datum and WGS84 is very slight.

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