[GIS] Projection Error with Google Maps Basemap

coordinate systemgoogle mapsqgiswgs84xyz-tiles

I have a shapefile of building lots in Manaus, Brazil, that I have re-projected into the WGS84 (EPSG:4326) CRS using the "project" tool in ArcGIS. I am now working in QGIS, and am trying to add the Google Maps XYZ Tile to this layer. However, it appears that these two layers are not projecting properly:

layer mismatch

How can I transform the CRS to make the projections match?

My friend was able to fix the problem in ArcGIS by changing the properties of the data frame – is there an analogous operation in QGIS?

Best Answer

Seems to be a problem with the CRS of the shapefile layer.

In QGIS, it can be changed in Layer > Properties > CRS.

Changing the CRS of the layer doesn't modify the coordinates of its geometries, but the way they should be interpreted.

When you find and assign the correct CRS in which the coordinates of the geometries must be interpreted (always rendering the canvas, that is, establishing for the project, to EPSG: 3857 due to the base map), you can reproject the layer to another CRS if you want it.

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