[GIS] Projecting shapefile with unknown CRS to WGS84 using QGIS

coordinate systemqgiswgs84

I've tried setting QGIS to on the fly, changing the layer settings, nothing.

I'm at a lost cause. Although I am not a GIS professional.



Best Answer

The linked kml file seems to contain valid degree coordiantes, but fails to open in QGIS.

If you follow the source given in your link to http://www.ecaidata.org/dataset/spanish-and-mexican-land-grants-in-california, you can get a shapefile which misses its prj file.

With some kind of educated guess, you will find that NAD27 / California Albers EPSG:3309 fits best:

enter image description here

From that point, you can save the layer to another shapefile with EPSG:4326 WGS84 or any CRS you need.

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