[GIS] Projecting OpenStreetMap data in PostGIS


I've loaded an extract of Openstreetmap data into a Postgresql database with PostGIS 1.5 using the following command withosm2pgsql.exe:

C:\Program Files (x86)\HOTOSM\bin>osm2pgsql.exe -c -s -H localhost -d osm_cloudmade -b -122.0,18.03,-64.85,46.05 -E EPSG:900913 -U postgres -P 5432 J:\DATA\OSM\usa.osm.bz2 -S J:\DATA\OSM\default.style

I understand that the Openstreetmap data is in Lat/Long WGS 84. If I inspect my table planet_osm_roads I see way geometry but no SRID.

Is there a way that I can project this to another system? Or do I first need to specify what the SRID is of this data?

Best Answer

Have you looked in the table "geometry_columns"? There should be an entry detailing the SRID for the "geometry" column in the planet_osm_roads table.

There is some background info here but that was an old thread and you haven't said you had any error messages, so assume that EPSG 900913 is present in your version of PostGIS and osmpgsql.

Assuming the co-ordinates in your geometry and your SRID are specified correctly, it is just a case of running ST_Transform on your geometry column (having created a new geometry column with the correct SRID first of course).