[GIS] PROJ4 Library error in combination with MapServer 6 and CentOS 6


I have recently compiled MapServer 6.2 on a CentOS 6.3 machine. Since I compiled it --with-proj=/usr, all the PROJ4 related stuff resides in /usr/share/proj.

I've also installed proj4 with yum install proj, which installed PROJ4-Version

I wanted to establish a simple WMS Server but ended up having these "no system list, errno: 2 " errors when issuing a GetMap-Request.

Weirdly, my PROJ4-Installation did not establish any epsg-File in /usr/share/proj, so I downloaded the current source of PROJ4 and extracted the epsg file from there and copied it to /usr/share/proj/epsg – after that I am getting similar errors, just with errno: 20 instead of errno: 2.

Here is my mapfile: wms.map

This is the request I am getting errors with:


How can I debug this, and why did my PROJ4-Package not have an EPSG File included? Notice there is also no /nad-Folder, just two files nad27 and nad83 as well as nad.lst.

Best Answer

The PROJ_LIB parameter must point to a directory.

    CONFIG "PROJ_LIB" "/usr/share/proj/"
    SIZE 400 300

Appropriately: errno 20 (ENOTDIR) means "not a directory"