[GIS] proj4: how to convert UTM to local coordinate system

coordinate systemproj

I'm trying to convert a set of UTM32N coordinates to a local coordinate system with the same datum.

I have the four Helmert parameters (x,y,scale,theta) that defines the coordinate system.

How can I apply this transformation using proj4 strings?

I've tried the following one but it differs from the expected result:

proj +proj=helmert +ellps=WGS84 +x=-711066.2010726777 +y=-4532044.137231419 +s=0.999785911377552 +theta=-2.089700973339795

Best Answer

The Helmert transformation that you're using is for converting between two geographic coordinate reference systems in 3D Cartesian, XYZ. It's not for applying a 2D Cartesian transformation to coordinates in planar / projected coordinate reference system.

I don't believe that PROJ.4 (or PROJ.5, just released in March 2018) has what you need.