DEM – How to Programmatically Download SRTM_V4.1 Data for Topographic Studies


SRTM v4 is an effort by the folks at CIAT-CSI to scrub, polish, and remove gaps in the raw SRTM data released by NASA (SRTM 3).

One userfriendly interface : provides tiles of ~20Mo each.

enter image description here

The CIAT-CSI project provides 3 zipped tiles (W, NE, SE) of ~1Go each. These files are behind a public password (see page), on, which block programmatic download.

Is there any mirror with these 3 big SRTM 4 files using a stable link ? so I may use a makefile to let coworkers to programmatically download them via curl or alikes.

Best Answer

If ok to manage 872 tiles which can be later on unzip and gdal_merge, then :

wget -r --no-parent --random-wait --timestamping


curl -L '[01-72]_[01-24].zip' -o ''
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