[GIS] Problems adding OSM layer


I installed OpenLayers plugin successfully in QGIS 2.2 Valmiera, but when I add OpenStreetMap layer, the following error message appeared as a Python error popup window:

An error has occurred while executing Python code:

> Traceback (most recent call last):   File "C:/Users/I Wayan
> Mudita/.qgis2/python/plugins\openlayers_plugin\openlayers_plugin.py",
> line 50, in addLayer
>     self.__plugin.addLayer(self)   File "C:/Users/I Wayan Mudita/.qgis2/python/plugins\openlayers_plugin\openlayers_plugin.py",
> line 202, in addLayer
>     self.__setMapSrsGoogle()   File "C:/Users/I Wayan Mudita/.qgis2/python/plugins\openlayers_plugin\openlayers_plugin.py",
> line 261, in __setMapSrsGoogle
>     extMap = coodTrans.transform(extMap, QgsCoordinateTransform.ForwardTransform) QgsCsException: forward
> transform of (-985846.534752, -198190.645686) PROJ.4: +proj=longlat
> +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +to +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext  +no_defs Error: latitude or longitude exceeded limits

Python version:

2.7.4 (default, Apr 6 2013, 19:54:46) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]

QGIS version:

2.2.0-Valmiera Valmiera, c3a2817

Python path:

'C:\Users\I Wayan Mudita\.qgis2\python\plugins\GeoCoding',
'C:/PROGRA~1/QGISVA~1/apps/qgis/./python', u'C:/Users/I Wayan
Mudita/.qgis2/python', u'C:/Users/I Wayan
'C:\Users\I Wayan

What is wrong here?

Best Answer

Openlayers plugin only works with EPSG:3857. Usually it sets the CRS automatically, but this fails sometimes.

To avoid the error, first set the project CRS to EPSG:3857, then load the OpenStreetMap Layer via the plugin.

It might be that one of your existing layers can not be reprojected to EPSG:3857:

transform of (-985846.534752, -198190.645686) from latlon to merc will not work.

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