[GIS] Problem Visualizing 3D Terrain Model – USGS DEM


I recently downloaded a GeoTIFF 1 arc second from the USGS National Map Viewer. I added the raster to ArcScene and attempted to visualize the data in 3D. I set the Base Height to Floating on a Custon Surface, changed the Resolution to that of the Original Surface (3612 rows and columns; 0.000278 cell size). However, when it's done processing, my DEM just looks a mess; there are giant spikes all through the data. I've tried downloading DEMS from other areas and repeating the process but I get the same result.

What am I doing wrong? I suspect perhaps there are Null values but I'm not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

You've got a projection issue. Chances are you've not specified the projection of the DEM correctly. There are typically two indicators to this and you have both:

  • You have spikes.
  • You have a cell size that looks like: 0.000278 (it should be a whole number).

So make sure you've set the correct projection for the DEM as well as the drape (if memory serves, the issue is mostly DEM side).

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