[GIS] Problem using polygonize / raster to vector in QGIS


I want to take my raster (multi ortophotos (.tiff) placed together using the "Build virtual Raster" option with the pyramids) and poligonize it. Something like this: gdal polygonize in python error, blank polygon created into an .shp file.

However, when I use the poligonize option an error appears saying that the process finished shortly after the beginning.

After having a closer look on my raster I found this:
enter image description here

Could this be the problem? How can I take them out of my layer?

After some research, I found the clip plugin but to use these I have to have a shapefile with the contour or something like that and I don’t have nothing. I must say I’m a new to QGIS and so to Geography 🙂

I thought about making my own contour, by drawing the boundaries, but could not found any plugin to do this. Is there a way to clean up my layer in order to pass it from raster to vector correctly? in shapefile so that I can open it, for example, in AutoCAD?

Best Answer

Thank you very much for your help.

I was trying to use SERVAL but I couldn't find any example of application. What I managed to do in order to make the black patches to dissapear was this:enter image description here

Not sure if this was what you were suggestion. I tried to use the poligonized with these layer but the error message was the same.

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