[GIS] Problem moving layers in QGIS


Just wondering if anyone ever experiences any problems moving layers? I have set up QGIS in the office and it works brilliantly for everyone apart from one of my colleagues who finds that on odd occassions he cannot move the order of his layers around. No error messages come up but nothing happens when he tries to drag the layers. This only goes away when he restarts his QGIS.

The version of QGIS is 2.8 and we are using Windows 8.

Anyone know what the problem is here?

Best Answer

This could potentially be down to the two different layer panels:

One is Layer order and the other is Layers:

enter image description here

Untick the "Control rendering order" in the Layer order panel, which will then allow you to control it through the main Layers panel.

To turn these on and off use the: View>Panels menu

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