[GIS] Problem Merging multiple shapefiles with different CRS in QGIS


I am trying to merge multiple shapefiles into one, but I encounter one error, not all of my shapefiles end up merged. I am able to load all of my shapefiles but when I attempt to merge them, the merged attribute table contains all the information that it should but not all the shapefiles show-up. I made sure to change the the headings in the attribute tables that I want merged.

I have tried to use a number of tools (Merge Shapefiles to One, MMQGIS Combine etc.) but the problems seems to be that some of my shapefiles are projected differently. I have tried to change the coordinate reference system under Properties but after I save the file, the shapefile disappears. I have also found a guide to use GRASS to change the projection but I was not able to follow it.

Best Answer

Try do this:

  1. Set Settings>CRS>"Automatically enable on the fly reproject..." and "Prompt for CRS"
  2. Set CRS EPSG:4326 for your project enter image description here
  3. Open your merged EPSG:26917 .shp file and if will be prompted set EPSG:26917. You wouldn't be prompted if this vector has .prj file.
  4. After that you will have reprojected .shp file from EPSG:26917 to EPSG:4326
  5. Save this layer AS...ESRI file and select CRS as EPSG:4326 enter image description here
  6. Remove old layers with EPSG:26917.
  7. Click right mouse button to reprojected layer in legend window and "Zoom to layer". enter image description here
  8. Now you can try merge them all.

Possibly you can use ogr2ogr tool, look at last answer in this post: GDAL OGR2OGR

Update: I downloaded the data from the link and swapped them by description. Look at content of .prj files (open with notepad). After reprojection content should be like ..."GCS_WGS_1984"... not "NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_17N" Link to reprojected data