[GIS] problem in raster data with arcmap 10


I have a problem when trying to load raster data (a TIF) in ArcMap. ArcMap 10 instantly shuts down and the well known window appears "ArcGis Desktop has encountered a serious application error and is unable to continue.Does anyone know why? What is the solution? i have windows 7 32 bit,1giga video card .

Best Answer

Loading raster data into ArcMap is a pretty standard thing, it is improbable that it is a bug with Arc itself. Most probably corrupt/faulty data or somethings up with your Arc install. My suggestions to you would be the following:

1) Check the data, make sure it is not corrupt. Perhaps try downloading it again

2) Reinstall Arc

3) If you are desperate and in a rush, then you can try a Open Source alternative such as Quantum GIS

Edit: As an after thought the size of the data file might be something to do with it. Try loading a smaller/different file and see if the error is reproduced.