[GIS] Problem in calculating length

coordinate systemfield-calculatorqgisqgis-openlayers-plugin

I am digitizing road line in India using the OpenLayers plugin. When I calculate the length of line using the field calculator it gives me the result in millimetre.

I thought it is the projection problem and defined the projection as WGS 84 UTM 44N, but the same problem exists. When I measure the line using measure line tool it gives the result in meters.

What is the problem?

I want the result to be in meters in the field calculator itself.

Best Answer

You should look at what part of the system is calculating the length. If the layer / shapefile is producing the data, then it should be a UTM metres projection. If you are using the measure tool, the canvas CRS needs to be UTM metres projection.


Doing some work with 2.01 now, it seems there is a problem with field calculator and $length. There is not the same problem in 2.10

But I can't reproduce it with a blank shapefile....

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