[GIS] Printing at defined scale and paper size from ArcMap


How to print a drawing to a defined scale (e.g. 1:2500) in ArcMap, and to a given paper size (say A3)?

Best Answer

  1. Set your Page/Print settings - File > Page and Print Setup...

enter image description here

  1. Select your printer and page/paper size

enter image description here

  1. Switch your ArcMap view to Layout using the buttons on the bottom left of the scroll bar or View > Layout View

enter image description here

  1. Set your Scale to 1:2500
  2. Adjust your layout if required
  3. Print

To Export to PDF instead of printing use File > Export Map..., change your Save As type to PDF, give it a name/location, and hit Save.

You may need to play around with the PDF options to get the file right (there's Options at bottom left of the Export Map window) - General tab has Resolution and Ouput quality, Format tab has compression settings.

enter image description here