[GIS] Postgres/Postgis doesn’t work after update


I work on OpenSUSE 12.1 and after today's upgrade (2012 NOV 14) Postgres and Postgis doesn't work. If I login to Postgres server by PgAdmin, get the message: translated from polish
"ERROR: can't acces to file "$libdir/postgis-2.0".Theres no file or directory"

When I want create spatial extension by typing
" psql -d sulo1 -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;" " than I get :
cannot open control extension "/usr/share/postgresql91/extension/postgis.control": no file and folder

Have to configure my postgis for a new upgrades?

Best Answer

My problem was solved by me, but I am not glad with how I did it. OpenSUSE provided a patch to Postgres 9.1.7 which assumes different directory structure on the disk: / usr/share/postgresql91 / and not as before / usr / share / postgresql / This is the official upgrade OpenSSUSE number 775. However, Postgis (at now - 2012 NOV 18) is not prepared for this new patch and install it's $ libdir/Postgis-2.0 to the old catalogs structure. Uninstalling latest version of Posgres 9.1.6 and reinstall the PostGIS database was take effect, and it works. Below is a screenshot of how it looks like in my Yast.

installed packages

above are installed packages, below uninstalled packages

uninstalled packages

Thanks for help everyone, especially for symlinks - that was very important for the INVESTIGATION :-)

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