[GIS] PostGIS select by lat/long bounding box


I have a minLat, minLong, maxLat and maxLong from a box drawn on a map. Right now, my query to get all the points in the box looks like this:

FROM geomTable
WHERE (longitude BETWEEN minLon AND maxLon)
AND (latitude BETWEEN minLat AND maxLat)

I want to use the geometry column instead of lat/long columns to get the results.
I tried this query:

FROM mytable
WHERE mytable.geom && ST_MakeEnvelope(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat, 4326);

from this post: Select bounding box using postgis but it is returning no results.

Does anyone have an example of how to select all the points within a box created by min and max lat/longs using geometry in postgis?

Best Answer

Your data is not in lat/lon, so you need to push your box into the coordinate space of your data:

FROM mytable
  mytable.geom && 
  ST_Transform(ST_MakeEnvelope(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat, 4326), 2223);