[GIS] PostGIS retrieve polygons within a rectangle


I am building a system to bring in shapefile data from a PostGIS database and render it on top of OpenStreetMap tiles using the Leaflet.js library.

My table (sierra_county_parcels) has a polygon geometry field (geom) in SRID 4326, and a field called "upc" that contains the parcel ID. There are about 16,000 rows in sierra_county_parcels. What I need to do is retrieve all of the upc values for rows where the geom polygon is within the currently visible part of the Leaflet map control. I have already written the code to send the northwest and southeast lat/lon pairs and generate an SQL query, which looks like this:

SELECT upc AS pt_parcel_key
FROM  sierra_county_parcels
WHERE  ST_Within(geom, ST_Envelope(ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT(33.167444534375925 -107.14931488037108, 33.08909661229697 -107.35513687133788)')))

The MULTIPOINT WKT is what I'm currently using to specify the corners (nw_latitude, nw_longitude, se_latitude, se_longitude).

The problem is that the query always returns 0 results. For this query, the map was zoomed out to show most of the region where the geometries should be.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

John W.

Best Answer

Your x's and y's are reversed. Longitude is X and comes first, Latitude is Y and comes second.

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