[GIS] postgis not valid win 32 application

postgis-2.2postgresqlwindows 8

I'm trying to setup Postgres 9.5 on my local machine x64 based win 8.

I've downloaded postgresql-9.5.1-1-windows.exe and also downloaded postgis-bundle-pg95x64-setup-2.2.2-1.exe

Postgres runs fine, but when trying to install postgis at the end of the instalation (when installer is attempting to install sample database) I get this error:

ERROR: could not load library "C:/PostgreSQLx86/9.5/lib/postgis-2.2.dll": %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

I've tried with the x64 and x32 versions also as you might notice i tried to install it on a non-spaces path PostgreSQLx86.

Still no luck.

Anyone can help me out ?

Best Answer

I sounds like you posibbly have a mix of 32 bit and a 64 bit versions of PostGres and PostGIS that are not mutually compatible with each other.

I find that the simplest way of installing Postgres with Postgis on Windows is to use the Enterprise DB installer. Using this install tool it is a very simple matter to get it all up and running. You can also easily add components after the install using the Enterprise DB stack builder tool.

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