[GIS] PostGIS – Merging linestrings into multilinestrings in a particular order


I have a set of linestrings, which I want to group into a single multilinestring, and in a specific order. However, when I use ST_Collect, it merges them out of order, like this:

Geometries as linestrings:
enter image description here

Order at which the multilinestring is being generated:

enter image description here

I know this "order" is only in my head really, and the function will use some parameter to determine the order. A quick research has given me that ST_Collect does its magic ordering by the row id, but for reasons I won't bother going through here I can't reorder my ids in the "aggregating order".

I do, however, have a separate table with the correct order, that's referencing the geom ids, so a simple join would suffice to put them in order, but ST_Collect is ignoring that. Is there a way to aggregate linestrings into a multilinestring using the ordering from this second table?

(the drawings are merely illustrative, but depict a real case, that is, some of the lines are not connected, and must remaind so. Therefore, I can't use ST_LineMerge to "force" a correct order out of it)

Best Answer

Postgres lets you control the order in which rows are fed into an aggregate function, using an ORDER BY construct within the aggregate's parameters (see docs). For example (it looks a bit odd):

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE lines (geom geometry);
  ('LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1)'), 
  ('LINESTRING(1 1, 2 2)'),
  ('LINESTRING(0 -1, 2 7)');

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Collect(geom ORDER BY ST_Length(geom) DESC)) FROM lines;
-- MULTILINESTRING((0 -1,2 7),(0 0,1 1),(1 1,2 2))

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Collect(geom ORDER BY ST_YMin(geom) DESC)) FROM lines;
-- MULTILINESTRING((1 1,2 2),(0 0,1 1),(0 -1,2 7))